Monday, March 2, 2009

Evaluating My Game

One of the qualifications of a very useful book is that if you can skim around it and not necessarily read it in order (another factor is that it has to have a greater overview of a topic than I, and is well written). The Tao Of Poker, is a book that fits this criteria.

The book is separated into chapters on various topics designed to improve your game by giving you a "rule" (over 200 of them), followed by a description that you should incorporate.

There's a chapter on tilt. It not only talks about regular tilt, but expounds on mega-tilt - tilting beyond normal tilt! Mega-tilt is tilt on steroids, that you can be on tilt for days, weeks, months at a time. Poor-sap! Until I realized that that poor sap is me.

I've been on MEGA-tilt for a couple of weeks now, for various reasons outside the realm of poker. I thought I had this behind me as I wrote down a previous post, but looking at some recent events (now a couple of weeks past), I see that I was not (the first person we fool is ourselves). I am doing much better now and rebuilding stacks.

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