Saturday, January 17, 2009

Going Down, But Not Out Of The Show

"I thought you were dead" - MRFOXWOODS (a player who hadn't seen me for awhile).

I have to admit that I am very happy with my ability to 'dip' down a level (or two) when things are not going right. Some bad play and a ton of bad luck can jeopardize anyone's bankroll. And minus the tilt factor + bankroll management one will survive to flop quads another day.

It's happened to me again, that is I went on a huge cooler this past weekend and lost a ton. And again, I managed to make most of it back putting me in rebuild mode for this past week.

While playing around three different levels for several weeks, I can't say that I will be committed to any one level: I've played hands that can barely pay for a newspaper and others that can buy an iPod; I've run hot and cold; been in a good mood and bad; played against fish and sharks. What is trying to be said here is that my level is fluctual depending on myself and the game (i.e., table selection). Why pigeon hole myself to one game at one level, when there may be something juicer above or below?

Next entry: Goals.

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